• Golden Dewdrop (Verbenaceae)

    Golden Dewdrop (Verbenaceae)

    The evergreen shrub can grow up to 3-5 meters with many branches that contain 4 edges. The leaves are opposite or tufted while the plant flowers from spring until autumn. The corollas are blue-violate or white while the fruit is spherical, containing 4-8 seeds.
    The fruit is poisonous and when ingested can lead to stomach pain, diarrhea, drowsiness, fever, spasms, and other symptoms.
  • Acacia confusa (Fabaceae)

    Acacia confusa (Fabaceae)

    The evergreen tree can grow to a height of 10-15 meters with smooth beige bark. Its real leaves (2 back pinnate) can be seen when it’s a sapling or seedling. It flowers from spring until summer with golden flower crowns that contain 5-8 seeds. They are mainly planted in gardens to protect against the wind or to improve forestation.
    The seeds are poisonous and when ingested, can cause headache, nausea, stomach pain, increased heart rate, and in severe cases, death.
  • Chinese Narcissus (Amaryllidaceae)

    Chinese Narcissus (Amaryllidaceae)

    The perennial herb has bulbous flowers, flat and erect leaves, and bands. The stem is hollow, flat, and approximately the length of its leaves. It blooms approximately 5-7 flowers and is mainly planted in garden flower beds or in rock crevices next to water.
    The entire plant is poisonous and when ingested can cause vomiting, diarrhea, increased but weak pulse rate, increased temperature, drowsiness, and in severe cases, spasms, paralysis, and death.